Articles & Commentary

Read Our Latest Impact Report

By Anders Ferguson and Casey Verbeck

Our Impact Report is the latest in a series of annual updates summarizing key developments around the world. The report is also an affirmation that the impact investing community is making good on its value proposition: To deliver market performance and positive social and environmental impact.

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Markets Strong in Second Quarter 2019

By Jane Swan, Partner and Senior Wealth Manager

Positive returns across investment markets seem to have largely removed the decline and worry from the end of 2018 from our memories. The solid rebound from the negative returns at the end of 2018 suggests investors may have a renewed confidence within financial markets.

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Ellen Remmer: An Inspiring Journey About Impact Investing and Empowering Women

Ellen Remmer’s journey from enlightened philanthropist to impact investor is a story that can inspire all of us.

Recently, I sat down with Ellen to discuss her life’s journey. I wanted to share her experience because it speaks to the potential of investing capital to achieve both social benefit and financial gain. It’s also instructive in describing how investors can change their mind about the role and possibilities of wealth.

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Collective Consciousness and the Refugee Crisis

By Alison Pyott, Partner and Senior Wealth Manager, and Rebecca Orlowitz

Many of us are struggling with the current global refugee crisis and seeking some small way to make a difference. Ban Ki-Moon wrote an op-ed for The New York Times titled, “The refugee crisis is a test of our collective conscience.”

The situation is overwhelming and absolutely a test of our collective conscience. As global citizens, we can use our awareness, energy and philanthropy to help. The impact investor has additional options.

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How Climate Change Caused PG&E’s Bankruptcy

Veris Guest Blog: By Timothy P. Dunn, CFA

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Corporation, California’s largest investor-owned utility, which serves roughly 5.2 million households in central and northern California, filed for bankruptcy and is facing an estimated $30 billion of potential liabilities stemming from its equipment’s role in the historic 2017 and 2018 wildfires.

PG&E’s bankruptcy is indicative of how our changing climate presents real economic and financial risks for companies and investors.

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