Articles & Commentary

Veris Views on Recent Market Moves

By Jane Swan, CFA, Partner

As of the close of Friday’s market, the S&P 500 was down 2.6 percent year to date, and 8.3 percent since the market high on January 26th. While this type of market decline (or correction) does not feel good to investors, it is not entirely a surprise.

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Investing with a Gender Lens

On March 5th, Veris Wealth Partners and Criterion Institute hosted the webinar Women, Wealth and Impact: Investing with a Gender Lens. Increasingly individuals, families and foundations are exploring how to use their consumer dollars, philanthropy and now their investment portfolios to address gender inequality. This webinar outlines several easy steps to shift your investments to support and empower women.

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Economic Perspective Q4 2017

By Jane Swan, CFA, Senior Wealth Manager

Hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, marches, market growth, a new tax plan and some unbelievable tweets – 2017 was an unforgettable year. Markets typically do not like uncertainty, but were strong through a year of swirling unpredictability. What happened and what comes next?

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