Articles & Commentary

Creativity: A New Pillar of Sustainability

By Anders Ferguson and Laura Callanan

Creativity. We hack it. We map it. We study it. We rate it. We take it places. We build industries around it. We invest in it. We recognize we need it, even when it hurts. We know our future depends on it. This is the first in a series of blog posts which will explore the radical premise that creativity is a key driver of sustainability.

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Sustainability Is Not A Wind Farm Or Solar Array

By Anders Ferguson, Partner

Sustainability is a deep understanding that everything is seamlessly and beautifully interconnected. It is rooted in a mindfulness recognizing that each of us, doing our own work in our own field, is connected to others and impacts others, even if we don’t see it or realize it.

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Veris Guest Blog: Gender Lens Investing 2.0

By Jem Hudson, The Caldy Group

In celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we came across a myriad of thoughtful articles, studies, and other discussions focusing on women’s issues. One of the resources that especially caught our eye is a study by Veris Wealth Partners.

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The Veris Agenda: Five Impact Investing Themes for 2015

By Patricia Farrar-Rivas, CEO

As impact investors, Veris Wealth Partners directs capital to support the varied goals of our clients, while helping create a more just and sustainable world. The process of aligning values with wealth through impact investing continues to revolutionize the capital markets in the U.S. and abroad.

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Veris Guest Blog: What Is Community Wealth Building & Why Is It So Important?

By Ted Howard, Co-founder and Executive Director of The Democracy Collaborative

More than a decade ago, my colleagues and I at The Democracy Collaborative began using a term for a new kind of economic development – Community Wealth Building. For years, the term was so uncommon that it almost invariably appeared within quotation marks when used. Today, a Google search identifies 124,000 entries and is growing daily.

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The Time is Now for Mutual Understanding

By Casey Verbeck, Director, Business Development

Living in lovely Boulder, Colorado with my wife and two kids is an amazing and wonderful experience, but I will never forget where I came from: the other side of the tracks outside of St. Louis. Even amid this Rocky Mountain splendor, I’m reminded that not everyone is living the dream. We live in a time when 33 million people in the U.S. do not know how they will get their next meal.

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What An Impact Investor Knows

By Luisamaria Ruiz Carlile, Wealth Manager

As impact investing gains momentum, a common question we hear is: “What does the new breed of impact investors know that traditional investors don’t?” What insights have transformed these impact investors’ approach?

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