Nonprofit Organizations Veris Supported in 2023
Every year, Veris provides donations and other kinds of support to a variety of nonprofits across the United States. Our firm’s offices seek out local charitable organizations that are doing outstanding work to support vulnerable individuals, families, and communities. In 2023 Veris contributed to or provided volunteer service to the following mission-driven organizations based in New York, NY, San Francisco, CA, Portsmouth, NH, or Denver, CO.
Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project
With a name meaning actions not words, the mission of Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project is to take actions that improve the lives of young people and families in communities in Oakland and East Bay, CA. This primarily BIPOC and woman-led organization offers a variety of programs, including urban farms that expand local access to fresh, healthy food as well as classes that teach about nutrition, food production, healthy living, and the natural environment.
The Chase Home
Founded over 140 years ago, The Chase Home offers a variety of programs to help New Hampshire’s at-risk children, youth, and their families live happier and healthier lives. First established as an orphanage in 1877, The Chase Home now serves a mission to provide supportive and restorative residential and family services to at-risk youth in a safe and nurturing environment.
In October of 2023, Veris’ Portsmouth, New Hampshire team spent a day volunteering at the Chase Home. The Veris crew helped decorate the nonprofit’s residential care home for Halloween and gave out freshly baked cookies.
Friends Forever International
Founded in Durham, New Hampshire, Friends Forever International now provides empathy-based programming to vulnerable youth and their families globally. Their service list includes leadership programs, classes, and other types of support for youth from diverse backgrounds. Their mission is to help youth become the best versions of themselves so they can help their community become the best version of itself.
Make the Road NY
Offering community organizing and a variety of programs designed to support working class and immigrant New Yorkers, Make the Road NY empowers, engages, and helps vulnerable communities overcome challenges. With programs aimed at expanding access to education, legal services, health and wellness care, and more, Make the Road NY has helped millions of New Yorkers, inclusive of all immigration statuses, races, and gender identities, find safety, support, dignity, and justice.
New Hampshire Civics
By offering non-partisan civics programs to children and adults, New Hampshire Civics serves their mission is to develop, nurture, and maintain an informed, engaged, and civil New Hampshire citizenry. Since they were founded in 2016, the organization has provided civic education and training to thousands of Granite State teachers and community members.
New York Immigration Coalition
With a mission to transform the lives of all New Yorkers by strengthening and building the power of its member organizations, organizing and educating communities and the public, and using its collective voice to advocate for opportunity and justice, the New York Immigration Coalition is a member-led coalition of immigrant and refugee organizations from across the state of New York. By supporting initiatives aimed at changing unjust policies, growing civic participation, expanding access to education and healthcare, NYIC is working to build a New York where everyone is treated fairly and has equal opportunity to pursue their dreams.
Operation Blessing
Veris’ Portsmouth Office helped out with the Operation Blessing Christmas Giveaway program in December of 2023. The volunteers helped local families in need select and wrap gifts for their children, which included new clothes, toys, crafts, and sporting equipment, in “Santa’s Workshop.” Since they were first founded in 1978, Operation Blessing has provided food, clothing, and household necessities to thousands of individuals and families in the Seacoast region of New Hampshire.
Urban Tilth
Based in Richmond, California, Urban Tilth has a mission to help build a more sustainable, healthy, and just local food system. This organization grows healthy food in community gardens and schools while also providing agricultural education, watershed restoration training, employment opportunities, and more. Their goals include teaching members of the local community about the relationship between food, health, poverty, and justice and forging partnerships with local small farmers to increase demand for their produce.
In December of 2023, Veris’ New York office team volunteered at The West Side Campaign Against Hunger. As part of their service, they unloaded shipments and packed food boxes for distribution to the local community.
The West Side Campaign Against Hunger,
With a mission to alleviate food insecurity for local families, The West Side Campaign Against Hunger serves to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to healthy food choices. First launched in 1979, today the organization delivers millions of pounds of fresh food annually (including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and dairy) to New York families in need.
Women’s Bean Project
Based in Denver, Colorado, Women’s Bean Project programming offers education, career training, and employment to chronically unemployed or formerly incarcerated women, while also providing transitional employment to meet immediate income needs. They prioritize independence, education, and dignity for the women they serve.